Monthly Archive: August 2018


5-049: Lobby Café

“Well, why don’t we do it now?”If Oliver doesn’t object, Felicity will drain her coffee and stand.“Wait a few Moments, then take the elevators to the Docking Bay.  I’ll be waiting for you at...

5-048: Lobby Café

How sincere is Oliver?Irrespective of the answer she says, “I am not currently recording you, and I don’t have any specific reason to think this place is being actively monitored, but it is not...

5-047: Lobby Café

She raises a quizzical eyebrow.  It’s an expression for which her face seems purpose-built.“Indeed? Well, we can come back to that later if we need to, Oliver.“You see, in my role as a Personnel...

5-045: Lobby Café

I imagined him drinking it sweet too.Felicity eyes Oliver’s cup as he drinks.Give me a psychology roll.“So why join now? With your family’s tie to the military and…as an F… you could have gone...