Monthly Archive: December 2019


A-069: Spanial, Common Area

Prrri swishes his tail and growls a noise at Gregar.Gregar says, “Not funny.”Prrri swishes again, “Xi will xelpp xou Grregarr, with thee ssampless.”Karmen turns from the reader, interrupting the exchange, “interesting priorities, for sure.”

A-068: Spanial, Common Area

Karmen takes the mission priorities widget and pops it into the Galley reader.Gregar examines the pile where Lia is indicating, “Well, I can examine it…oh a thumbprint reader…and…thumbs…”He glances balefully at Lia with his...

A-064: Spanial, Common Area

As described when Lia arrives in the Common Area, the others trailing behind, Karmen is standing akimbo surveying the piles of goodies.“Quite a haul,” she says, without turning around.