Category: Module 13: Make 10 Louder…

With Lia’s timeline firming up on meeting Oliver, it became apparent that her birthCycle took place on the shuttle to Loyalists’ Rock.  A short retrospective module to explore her thoughts and feelings about that.  This entire module takes place during post  B-087.


D-107: Spanial, Common Room

He sings, others join in, raising glasses “It’s ten kiloCycles for you! “One MyriaCycle too, “May this anniversary  “Be not adversary “But this kiloCycle  “Be an idyll! “You walk prouder, “and make 10 louder,...

D-105: Spanial

Lia arrives at Loyalists’ Rock, has Barney-Taxi tour of the small outpost and returns to the shuttle with some unwanted cargo.  She lifts off, spends some time locating the comms beacon and then flies...

D-100: Black sky…

Lia’s hair flies out behind her, golden locks whipping in the breeze. Raina’s hand slips from hers and Lia sees her form fly off to the left, toward her manor archipelago. A form in...

D-099: Black sky…

Lia is flying. It has the familiarity of the last stages of a shuttle descent through the dark, though there’s no shuttle around her, just Lia flying in a dark, black sky, a stiff...