4-047: Zebulon Station, Section BC

There’s a couple of Legionnaires standing guard at the end of the Docking Strut, Oliver has to run his Tag through a scanner to get onto the station proper. 

In Section BC he does see a few more Legionnaires, but they mostly seem to be on other business or using the cafes.  There is a two-trooper patrol that seems to be working, and monitoring activity; they ignore Oliver.

He is able to find a cafe with the usual selection of cafe-ish items.  The selection here isn’t bad, compared to some places he’s been, actually. 

Make a perception roll on general principles, and spend 5-20 Moneys on food, depending on how hungry or extravagant he’s feeing.

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Passing his Miserliness test he will spend 20 Moneys on food.

    Are there many/any public terminals around the station? Is it very computerized?

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